How have you spent your New Year?
Hi r/goth, Happy New Year!
How have you spent NY's Eve? Did you celebrate it at all?
Yesterday I wore black clothes through the evening, I even ordered a black Santa's hat for this purpose. My family was ok with that, no one told me I looked bleak or something.
This morning I sat in the room while listening to SoM, Lebanon Hanover, and Alien Sex Fiend. I wasn't even sad haha just enjoyed the music (except for one song by Kino which contained very depressing lyrics, and I know Russian). Yesterday I celebrated with my family, and it was great. Usually, I met friends after the family dinner, but this time non of them was in my town.
While my mom was cooking the meal, she listened to the 1st album of SoM. She really enjoys it after I gave her this album to listen to. Also, she listened to the "Script of the Bridge" by the post-punk band The Chameleons which has some goth vibes and sounds. Also my work.
Wish all of you a happy 2022 year
submitted by /u/krendel740
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