I’m fed up

Guys I'm just a little annoyed because I've been encountering so many people reducing goth to the fashion and I need to be reminded that I'm not crazy or mean for pointing it out.. I'm sorry, I couldn't save this for seething Sunday… But I'm so tired of the misrepresentation of goths in media. I follow a snapchat series that features interesting people for educational purposes (Seen Most Asked), and the newest episode was a goth interview. I was so excited to click on it and was quickly dissapointed.

The woman in the video defined a goth along the lines as "anyone who likes darkness, horror, etc" and listed goth music as the last thing. That was a red flag to me. Then the rest of the questions were decently answered and all (like 'are goths depressed satanic witches?), but the imagery (edited video clips) used seemed much more just metal/alt in general as well as the whole music inportance being overlooked heavily in the video. So after seeing this, I decided to check out the woman interviewed on Instagram and yes her fashion is very goth and the 80s goth fashion is very obvious, yet there was one issue that I kinda had..

She had a couple of highlights on her profile with music in it. I kid you not, out of maybe 20-30 songs she had shared in the highlights NONE were goth songs or post punk. Some was metal I think (I don't listen to metal so idk) but I didn't recognize any of the artists as goth nor did the music sound like it. I was dissapointed… BTW I'M NOT MAD AT HER, AND THIS IS NOT A HATE POST. I'M SIMPLY DISSAPOINTED THAT THIS INTERVIEW WAS OF SOMEONE WHO FROM MY KNOWLEDGE OVERLOOKS THE MUSIC AND THAT THE SERIES CHOSE SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T CARE MUCH ABOUT THE MUSIC/SUBCULTURE.

Also, I know that she could listen to goth music and just never post it bc yeah I listen to alot of non goth music. My Spotify wrapped top genre was literally pop so there's nothing wrong with that, but when ur whole brand is being goth and u mostly use goth hashtags, why is there no mention of goth music in ur song list or anything???

TDLR: Popular snapchat series interviewed a goth and the interviewed person, despite having goth fashion and makeup, overlooked the music immensely in the interview and after finding their account they never mentioned goth music in their song recommendations.

submitted by /u/Zonnielilbro
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