Research for a screenplay

Hello everyone, I’m currently doing research for a screenplay whose protagonists would be firmly within the goth culture. However, I rather dislike stereotypical depictions of goths in entertainment and would like the characters to feel as realistically involved in the culture as possible. That said, other than making sure the characters are actual humans with wants, needs, and flaws I was wondering what were this communities suggestions on what is genuine goth culture and what is an eye rolling stereotype what do you wish was represented on the screen and what do you hope is never seen again? Or any other thoughts you have? Thank you!

EDIT: Context: the film is a horror film in the vein of 80s John Carpenter. At this time we haven’t settled on setting it in the 80s or contemporary. Character is at the center of the piece rather than the “it” which at this time the funding studio is not letting us reveal.

submitted by /u/PossibleOptimist1
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Reddit’s Goth Community

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