Archive for April 11th, 2023

Requiem in white – Secret of Secrets (1995)

submitted by /u/Quoyan
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Miguel and the Living Dead – Batcave (2007)

submitted by /u/Gucci_Sloth
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Reddit’s Goth Community

The Nosferatu artwork (bassist)

submitted by /u/gothsexfiend
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Dead On A Sunday – “Passenger” (official audio) (2023) (darkwave)

submitted by /u/DeadDeadCool
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Reddit’s Goth Community

/r/Goth’s Goth Event Tuesdays!

Post links to your favorite Goth events here! /u/DaveAzoicer is the only Goth event in Sweden (right now) Klubb Död! What's yours?

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Reddit’s Goth Community

What’s a goth song that sweeps you away with how beautiful/energetic/vivid it is?

I’m fairly new to goth music, and am looking for songs that suit my personal tastes. As an avid lover of music, I enjoy learning about and investing time in genres that I’m not as familiar with and finding songs within them that I can thoroughly enjoy. Given that goth music is so rich in content, it’s a bit daunting to scour through it all, and I’ll admit that not all of it is quite my thing. But I’m determined to give the genre its due respect and keep looking, and so I’ve decided to open the floor up to everyone here. What is a goth song that just takes you away?

To give any responders an idea of what I’m talking about, some examples of goth/gothic songs that have this effect on me are:

  • Sanctum Sanctum by The Damned; it’s just so gorgeous and makes me feel like I’m dancing in a ballroom gown in a cathedral with my imaginary lover.

  • Thelema by Merciful Nuns; I saw it recommended in this subreddit, and the combination of the groovy baseline, crashing drums, and ethereal instrumentation legitimately made me start shaking my hands in front of me like I was raised from the dead the first time I heard it. It’s infectiously danceable.

  • Your Worst Nightmare by London After Midnight; the synth conjures up imagery of rolling waves.

  • Quantum Leap by John Maus; not a goth artist, but the instrumentation and vocal delivery sounds very goth-like, and this song sounds like how it feels to look out the backseat window of a car at night when it’s raining.

  • Naturally Cruel + Ungrateful Girl by Mors Syphilitica

  • Third Uncle as covered by Bauhaus

But yeah, I’d love to hear some songs that you all feel extremely passionate about. I will say that I have a much easier time digesting individual songs as opposed to full albums, but if you feel so strongly about an album that you have to recommend it, I’ll give it a shot.

submitted by /u/Pharomacrus_Mocinno
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Reddit’s Goth Community