Goth music with quartertones or non-Western melodies?

I promise I'm not trying to be a music nerd here 🙂

I've recently gotten very into Lalalar, Brek, and a few other Turkish darkwave groups and Im absolutely enchanted. It's been a breath of new life into my soul.

If I had to pick one aspect which intrigued me it's the use of quartertones. Think of the melodic range you hear from a call to prayer from a parapet in Constantinople, only the muezzin is getting down with a Roland 707.

I'm not specifically looking for darkwave. Really just music from any sub-genres that have a melodic taste of "exotic to western ears"?

This would also include goth music in pentatonic? Like.. East Asian goth?

Really, goth music in general which incorporates non-Western melody would be amazing?

Also…since I'm asking… if anyone knows of a Lakota goth band (of any flavor.. its for a Lakota friend) I'd LOVE to know. Thanks!!!

submitted by /u/Altruistic_Scarcity2
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