Posts Tagged ‘influencer’

I do not like almost every goth related influencer

A LOT of them just make posts to feed the delusions and fetishes of men.

Others just dance over goth music. I have no problems with dancing but too much is too much. I want to see other type of videos too.

I can tell when someone makes videos related to goth just for views and likes and others that really care.

For example I love diy videos

Some of these videos are so cringe that I want to stab my eyes.

I do not want to be misunderstood I love goth music and style is just that social media makes goth look more like something trendy. Like teenagers saying they are goth just to be cooland then do not even like the music.

I have this problem with instagram where it is full of influemcers dressing "goth". Just type goth in the search bar and see how many true goth outfits and how many sexualized outfits are there.

I want to see quality content, not the same dancing video with the same music in the background made by different influencers….

I've been more entertained by this sub and the other two goth style outfits subs than instagram

submitted by /u/Obsolete0_0
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