Posts Tagged ‘sound/subgenre/nonexistant’

I need help finding a gothy sound/sub-genre/non-existant music

So i mainly listen to metal particularly the sludgy shit (eyehategod, dystopia, crowbar ect…) but i have recently been on a goth spiral and wanted to find music with some common ground. But i have a problem, you would think goth metal would be my answer but no. I fkn love type 0 they are my favorite band, but they are not really goth in the post punk sense and i have not found any other bands in the "goth" metal genre that are not –in my opinion– symphonic shite or type 0 rip offs. So if any one could point me in the right direction, if there is one, that would be amazing thanks. and if there is not id better get on that gap in the market.

i know this doesn't directly relate to post punk/goth music but i need more goth than goth metal sorry

also if i am completely wrong about something i am a goth foetus and am not educated so educate me 🙂

[edit] i know ton is not goth i am not looking for that

submitted by /u/dogman865
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