tiktok goth police rant

this has probably come up in discussion but hopefully i’m not the only one who gets irritated by people on tiktok trying to say what gothic style/makeup is trad or not? i understand that certain gothic looks can “categorize” as trad/romantic/victorian/etc. but i feel as if they’ve sucked the creativity specifically out of trad style/makeup as if a lot of trad goths didn’t/don’t have their own personal style of clothes/makeup. literally the point (from what i’ve heard, i could be wrong) was to go against social norms, so now that they’re “policing” people’s styles/makeup feels weird. idk the superiority complex that people have on tiktok about “being trad goth” rubs me the wrong way. it feels very try hard, like all you gotta do is listen to the music and go from there… don’t even get me started about the whole “you need a white base to be goth” or thinking goths just wear black and white, no colors. opinions appreciated in the comments 🙂

submitted by /u/jazzyj-san
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