As a goth dj I can’t wait until people stop requesting She Wants Revenge.

They are spooky Interpol for people with shit boundary issues in their relationships. I am guilty as charged for using Tear You Apart as a weapon for shortening smoke breaks in the past, but it has officially become the Enjoy the Silence of goth nights.

I actually respect crowds more when I see it fall flat on them now. I give out a lil unheard sigh that gets buried under the music when I see them on request sheets. One of the members running a sketchy club known for burying allegations doesn't help either!

The more of their music I listened to, the lyrics sound like someone with controlling dominance behavioral issues reliving their prior toxic relationships and waving the red flags in your face. I get that it's catchy, but of all bands out there, is this really the one that deserves the pedestal given? Thanks for listening to me rant while the caffeine hits my blood stream.

submitted by /u/epsylonic
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