Posts Tagged ‘Carolina’

Any Goths in North Carolina wanna be friends and try to meet up?

I live in High Point, North Carolina and I am searching for fellow goths I can be around since I lost my mom in a homicide. I have no family/friends left and I feel like my goth friends I gain would be my family.

We can also try to form a band, if you'll be down.

Also, if you have any discarded stuff that's goth you don't need, consider sending some my way since I'm just new into the scene.

submitted by /u/LukeTheCurious
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Any goths in North Carolina?

I miss living in New Jersey where I was an hour from Philly and an hour from NYC, where the scene is more alive.

I walk around here and feel like I stick out like a sore thumb. Honestly everyone is so normie here. I go to university in NC and literally everyone only wears sorority/fraternity shirts and flip flops. It kind of drives me insane. Everyone is a fashion slave to big corporations here. And when I say I listen to goth music they think I mean lil peep or like black sabbath lol. I’m just trying to find my people here and it is hard. I live on the East Coast so if anyone is here, hit me up.

submitted by /u/TalkAboutTheWeather1
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Reddit’s Goth Community