Posts Tagged ‘fast’

Fast paced dancy music?

Anyone got some recs for dancing/gym? Some examples of song speed/energy im looking for are This Corrosion, Bela Lugosi's Dead, Shadow Dance, Temple of Love, and most songs by Aurelio Voltaire 🙂 ty!

submitted by /u/VaccuumLawyer
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Hard, fast goth punk

Yeah I was just looking for bands that play adrenaline-ridden, reverb-flooded goth punk or deathrock. Something akin to Funeral Parade (the 2010 band, not the Part 1 album) or Catholic Spit. The G-Beat section on Bandcamp has some solid bands (Crvel and False Figure come to mind).

So, I was wondering if you guys had anything like that. I’m craving hardcore goth.

submitted by /u/LeonardoGA
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Reddit’s Goth Community

No more fast fashion.

I'm sitting here at Starbucks ( dont laugh had to take sister to an interview ) so figured I'd be a little active here and post. I want to aim and help young/old newcomers as I myself am still growing more into this community for 5 years.

I can't tell people what to do with their money but I feel much better not buying from killstar, save my money AND support etsy shop owners. I had my GREAT disdain from dolls kill taking my money! Found out about kreepsville…yuck.

It feels refreshing knowing I bought from some one else in a resale shop instead of it trashed. I hear a lot of shade at fast fashion.

I know killstar makes nice shoes but I fear the quality is dog shart and I really feel more triumph when I find a cute pair of buckle shoes at ROSS for $ 20. Hell I got two jackets from the men's section I will add design and patches too.

I won't dump my few killstar items but honestly I really don't want to support fast fashion and learn to sew/stitch. You can do many wonders with basic black clothing.

If many of you know madame absinthe I really plan on getting in touch with her for a personal custom dress!

I DO want to hear the tea about killstar though.

submitted by /u/SkullsandBeauty
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Reddit’s Goth Community