Archive for May 23rd, 2023

Addressing “Actually, goth is a kind of literature and architecture…” Arguments

So I was thinking about how people online are always trying to use the "goth culture is actually an appreciation of a genre of literature, art, architecture, etc. so really it's 🌈✨whatever you want it to be✨🌈" argument and I think I finally thought of a good way to explain to them how badly that logic is flawed.

I tend to use metalheads as a parallel for goths since it's pretty widely accepted to the mainstream that metalheads are simply people who like metal music. But you wouldn't go up to a metalhead saying that you're the REAL metalhead because you're obsessed with steel and aluminium, right? "Ummmmm actually, metal is an opaque, lustrous element which acts as a good conductor of heat and electricity, so really YOU'RE the idiot here and if you don't have a degree in metallurgy and a tattoo of the chemical symbol of at least one rare earth metal you're not REALLY a metalhead." Like you know damn well that's not what we're talking about here, you're just being intentionally dense and using the wrong context of the word to justify taking it for yourself and strongarming the people who started the subculture out for your own gain.

Feel free to copy paste if you spot someone pulling that trash argument out in the wild😂

submitted by /u/gothmagenta
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Totally underrated goth band?

There are so many, but for my money, and the one band I listen to more than any other…Clan Of Xymox. So many great songs, but “Louise” is just beautiful, brilliant, haunting, & heartbreaking.

submitted by /u/m2mclubrocks
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Reddit’s Goth Community

New album release… Torch – Leaving Me Behind (2023) (darkwave)

submitted by /u/DeadDeadCool
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Reddit’s Goth Community

happy goth day!

submitted by /u/goddess-of-ice
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Why has the Goth subculture lasted so long?

The USA has been host to a great many subcultures, however, these subcultures are usually short-lived. The Greasers lasted around 10 years and the Hippies lasted around 15 years but the Goth subculture has, for some reason, persisted for over 40 years and counting re-inventing itself each decade but remaining largely consistent in its foundational principles. I'm wondering how exactly Goth has managed to exist for so long while all the other Subcultures had remarkably short lifespans?

submitted by /u/According-Value-6227
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Happy World Goth Day 🦇🖤

Tiffadelic covers “She’s Lost Control “ by Joy Division at #BigPink in Detroit #SofarSoundsDetroit

submitted by /u/tiffadelic
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Reddit’s Goth Community