Archive for February 18th, 2024

Portraits of Luis Vasquez of the Soft Moon, part 2. And piano cover of Total Decay / Far

Drawings from my collection, portraying Luis in 2016. And I want to share something I recorded as a gift for him in February 2016 and then he started to remember me 💔

After I gave him the CD with the track, I was so ashamed of myself, feeling like a complete freak. CD also had 2 Killing Joke covers, my own improvised composition and a video with me confessing gratitude he exists (his lyrics helped me a lot with my existential anxiety, but I didn't know how to say it so probably I was so so awkward lol). I came back to the tracks after the heartbreaking news.

My dream was to become a musician like him, but I didn't manage to even start due to depression.

My intention for this first upload on my fresh soundcloud account is to see, how many years it will take for me, to have my own first gig with my own produced music, and obviously entangling covers of his music into my performance, too. I owe him, so so so much. Damn, crying writing now.

submitted by /u/PelaMiten
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Gothabet (Best/Your Favourite Goth Albums from A-Z) Round 10: J

To nobody's surprise, In the Flat Field by Bauhaus won.

Current list so far:

A – Adrenaline by Rosetta Stone

B – Body and Soul by The Sisters of Mercy

C – Closer by Joy Division

D – Disintegration by The Cure

E – Elizium by Fields of the Nephilim

G – Garlands by Cocteau Twins

F – Fetisch by Xmal Deutschland

G – Garlands by Cocteau Twins

H – Heaven is Waiting by The Danse Society

I – In the Flat Field by Bauhaus


Must be goth. Read the wiki/FAQ if you're unsure.

One band per letter. Any attempt to nominate a band already featured will be ignored.

Doesn't have to be an album. Can be an EP.

Please post only one album per comment so I know what you're voting for. (It's easier to keep track of) You can comment multiple times, though.

Each round ends after 24 hours. (Inconsistent schedule, I post whenever I feel like it)

Articles could count or be ignored for the next word.

Best/favourite album that starts with J? (Besides the obvious/predictable Siouxsie albums..)

submitted by /u/AsylumPartyFan
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Linea Aspera – Malarone

submitted by /u/Thaitea777
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Stolzes Herz – Kalter Regen [darkwave / NDT, Germany, 2000]

submitted by /u/Radiomorphism
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Kinda cool finding these in the wild 🖤

One in an antique shop, the other in a box of random mixed vinyl at the check out table of Fantasyland Records.

submitted by /u/Lockedgroove666
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Competitive goths?

For some reason in the subculture I've noticed goths being competitive towards eachother, mostly among the women. I may just haven't found my crowd but I've been goth for the past 7 years and I have yet to met a goth girl that doesn't have something against you for being goth too? What's the world's obsession with being the "token goth." Here recently I met this girl who loved me at first but everything she posts now is a direct attack at me. Doesn't offend me but I always think about it because I wonder why..I want to dissect these people's brains. Has anyone else ever experienced this as much as me? I wish it didn't annoy me so much.

submitted by /u/Active_Boysenberry63
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Reddit’s Goth Community