Archive for February 9th, 2024

I don’t belong here (f15)

submitted by /u/pissflavoredqueef
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Live Interview with Scary Black this Sunday

Hello good people of gothy Reddit,

I would like to formally invite you to join a live interview with Albie of Scary Black this coming Sunday (USA) February 11th at 10 AM PST.

I know we have some Scary Black fans in this thread so I wanted to invite you to join us live.

Also, if you don’t catch us live the same link will still work to watch the replay of the Interview. I’m very excited as we are going to dive into some deep topics such as inspirations to certain songs, being an introverted solo artist, and mental health. I’ll also be asking some follow up questions to what was asked in the interview Albie did with Obscura Undead a few years ago:

See some of you on Sunday! 🖤🦇🖤

submitted by /u/CrypticJasmine
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Reddit’s Goth Community

The sisters of Mercy – Marian

submitted by /u/granta50
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Reddit’s Goth Community

I’m so proud of my mohawk skills recently

submitted by /u/Ken_LuxuryYacht22
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Seeking songs for loss and grief

Which goth songs hold a personal significance to you because they offered comfort while you were experiencing loss or grief? Optional: What's the story about your personal connection to the song(s)?

Here are two you're likely familiar with:

Flowers For Agatha – "The Freedom Curse"

This song tears me apart. I played it over and over when I was experiencing a life-changing, liminal period of life – several friends who I loved deeply had distanced themselves, everyone I knew was disappearing, and I had no idea who I was anymore. It speaks to bittersweet pain and mourning without dragging me down. Poignant.

Faith & the Muse – "Old Souls"

Back in the 00s, a dear eldergoth friend sent me a goth mixtape with a note about this song. She'd listened to it extensively after the tragic loss of her best friend. We've since lost contact. It reminds me of her.

Thanks in advance! 🖤

submitted by /u/magicfeistybitcoin
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Any other autistic goths with a lifelong special interest in dark topics?

This might be a shot in the dark! I’m autistic and ever since I was a little kid I’ve always been obsessively interested in dark things like death, skeletons, spiders, gothic horror etc. Now in my 20s instead of shaming my interests I’m embracing them and going fully goth. I love the style, the music, the themes, it just feels so me.

I just wanted to see if anyone else is in my boat. Even if you aren’t autistic necessarily, has this always felt like a deeper part of you?

submitted by /u/SpiteAdministrative5
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Reddit’s Goth Community