Goths working in creative jobs ? Are you allowed to dress goth for work ?

I am an F18 girl who is at UK Uni studying computer game modelling, with future ambitions to get a job in 3D modelling in the game or animated film industry, with anything 2D/Concept Art related as a backup option, and I like to dress gothic

My style is accepted at my University and at my old college where I was studying BTEC games dev there, both of those places said 'dress professional' but only meant don't come in in your swimwear or pyjamas or offensive T shirts, however I do change something about my style for the classroom and that is that I don't wear fishnet gloves and limit myself to just 1 bracelet/ring per hand (for being practical and comfortable)

But are any of you goths (or just different styles people in general)working in creative jobs that don't involve serving other people allowed to express style in your workplace ? My mother (F55) said that jobs want you to turn your appearance down and she judged people by style when she hired them (such as telling punks to tie their dreadlocks back and take piercings out while working), bearing in mind she worked in this position in the 1980's and worked in public retail stores, also from what I hear at this time a lot people wore suits at jobs and expressing style during work was frowned upon anyway

But on the other hand today I have seen girls online doing 'get ready for me to go to an interview' and some are going full goth, and it seems the only ones who are turning their appearance down are the ones working in retail and formal office jobs (bearing in mind I only saw this on Reddit and Tik Tok)

However I can prove that my freind (M18, and M15 at the time this happened) got some school work experience at a local games company and he is a metalhead and was allowed to wear his band t shirts and have his long hair down even on the first day

What do you guys think, share your thoughts and experience ? Just want to check it before I chance it

submitted by /u/xTheKawaiiPsycho666
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