Makeup- is this unfair?

So before I start of with my rant I want to say that I know a lot of people don’t think this way and I also know that there’s a lot of goth men with complicated makeup and a lot of goth women with simple makeup *but*

I’ve experienced that when it comes to makeup especially online goths tend to expect female goths to put on huge eyeliner, white foundation and for guys black or dark brown around the eyes. While I appreciate both of these, I (f) prefer just dark Make-up around my eyes. For some reason people think that that’s “not a goth look” or that I “look like a normie” even though I practically have the same makeup as a lot of men in the subculture.

Tf is a goth look even supposed to be?

My point: I feel like when it comes to fashion some people tend to expect goth women and girls to put in a lot of effort to look goth and if they don’t, they are poseurs. However men can wear what they want?

Does anyone else experience this? Do you think it comes from the objectification of female goths? Or is it rooted just in sexism?

(Keep in mind my point isn’t to shame anyone with huge makeup looks! I love them!)

Edit: I also feel like this is quite a new problem, in the 80s you see a lot of women with ‘boring’ or ‘smaller’ makeup looks in the scene.

submitted by /u/MaxMusterfrau_2
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