Posts Tagged ‘Context’

Is getting barked at a universal goth experience regardless of gender? (Context below)

I (20m) am rather new to the goth community and I've seen many posts and comments on here which mention that some who dress dark / gothic are sometimes getting barked at.

Yesterday I've been on a date with a woman who has been goth far longer than me and as we both walked into a big train station, a few men / Boys barked at us or her.

I wanted to ask if you think that this was more likely directed at both of us or more at her because she's a woman? I can't really tell if this event was something like catcalling aimed towards her or just aggression against us both because of our style.

I am sorry if this question is a bit dumb but I've never experienced something like this in person and I don't want to make this about me if I potentially wasn't the victim at all.

submitted by /u/LePetitPrinceFan
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