Posts Tagged ‘“outwardly”’

Not being “outwardly” goth

Hi, if this is against the rules or anything I apologize. I just wasn’t sure of where to post this.

Growing up, I’ve always wanted to dress in a goth way, and be able to show that I’m a part of the scene. Of course I’ve listened to the music, and I know that makes me goth. But I’ve always loved the fashion, and I’ve always wanted to wear it. I’ve never been able to for a couple of reasons that I won’t get into. :/

When I go to concerts, I feel really out of place. You see all these people with death hawks and wild makeup and whatnot, and it just feels a little saddening to see. I wish I had friends who enjoy the same music I do, and shared the same interests. Of course, there’s a huge goth scene in NYC, but I never grew up around anyone like me. I’m also not of age to go to most goth events yet, (like the goth nights in Saint Vitus and stuff.) I really just wish I knew someone else around my age in the scene, someone who would just get it. Sorry for the long post and please let me know if I worded this wrong or anything, thank you !!

submitted by /u/prettyinacasket_
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