Posts Tagged ‘Past’

past self – 녹슨 칼 (rusty knife) | korean coldwave/darkwave [2023]

this song is called "녹슨 칼" (pronounced nogk-seun kahl) it translates to "rusty knife" and is about feeling ostracized and obscure from the social norms and learning to embrace it.

submitted by /u/poppyluvy
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Men made throw up sounds walking past me today – has this happened to anyone else?

This is the third time this has happened so I know it's not a coincidence.

I'm a babybat and only started becoming more visibly alternative in the past few years – I have black hair, snakebites, a septum piercing and very visibly tattooed arms and legs. Today I was walking through the shopping centre, just in shorts and a t-shirt, no alternative makeup on, and two adult-sized (but they certainly behaved like children) men saw me and made fake puking noises.

I try not to let it get to me because at the end of the day I'm very happy with my style, I finally feel like the outward me matches the way I always saw myself in my head, but I'm a sensitive bean and it's hard not to feel self-conscious and sad after something like this, especially since it's happened a few times in public now.

I'm in Melbourne, Australia for reference – I'd heard of boys barking at goth girls before but the puking thing seems to not be so common, at least when I've tried to search for similar experiences online.

submitted by /u/iamtheconfused
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Saw She Past Away

Great show! Sorry for the poor video quality

submitted by /u/Labadoressence_XLR
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She past away Seattle

Had such a good time at She Past away. Was a great show definitely one for the books!

submitted by /u/Plastic-Swimmer8438
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Reddit’s Goth Community

I saw She Past away (my first concert ever) last night and had a blast!

The ticket price wasn't bad. It was $ 25. There was a cover band called Ghost Fetish, which I had never heard of, but are apparently a new band from Seattle. I was blown away by the entire experience. I can't accurately describe what I was feeling in words but the music really deeply stirred me.

I am glad I decided against wearing one of my Gothic lolita dresses. I went with a pair of New Rocks, which allowed me to see (since I am very short). She Past Away is one of my favorite bands so I was glad I could catch them here in the states especially. The venue was great, not too big or intimidating.

I can't dance but I was doing that side to side dancing in place dance and apparently so was nearly everyone else there. I think they said they would be back since the turnout was pretty good.

I am trying to get more involved in the local music scene (and probably along the west coast). I've been googling for similar upcoming events. Not sure where to start since I guess I'm new to the music scene.

submitted by /u/Milleniumfelidae
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Here’s all of my spins from the past 2 days

Not all strictly goth but definitely all something I think goths would dig. I’ll try and throw some links in the comments for people that haven’t heard.

submitted by /u/Occult_Noise
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She Past Away tonight 💜 🦇

submitted by /u/elektrik_noise
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Twin Tribes – Portal to the Void (She Past Away remix)

submitted by /u/Unicorn1234
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She Past Away – Durdu Dünya (Official Audio)

submitted by /u/TenebrisAngelus6
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She Past Away – Durdu Dünya (2019) Small Animation

submitted by /u/onetrueSage
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