Which city in the world has the most goth vibe?

I don’t mean which city has the most goths, I’m just wondering which city’s ambience, culture and vibe is most suitable for a goth. I’m not even talking specifically about the music scene itself, or even gothic architecture, but rather trying to find which city on earth would be most suitable for the goth mindset and emotional landscape.

My personal thoughts are London, not just for the weather but also the size and diversity of it; it’s a place where you can dress however without feeling too judged. Maybe NYC’s the same but I haven’t been there. Of course the UK has the music history too: Joy Division, Cocteau Twins, The Cure, Siouxsie and The Banshees, etc. So there’s that.

But I wanted to hear other people’s thoughts – what do you think??

submitted by /u/neonblakk
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