Archive for December 30th, 2021

Japanese Goth Bands?

I’ve been trying to find some good Japanese goth bands but all I can seem to find is Visual Kei stuff; is there any Japanese goth stuff y’all would recommend?

submitted by /u/vampyregamer
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Today I Learned…

That The Cures song Charlotte Sometimes is based on a book. Have any of you read it, what do you think

submitted by /u/Narwhal_Songs
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Damn, this album is incredible

submitted by /u/Wolf_and_Fear
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Reddit’s Goth Community

if you could be any goth from fictional who would it be

Mandy from billy and Mandy

submitted by /u/Circustacy
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Reddit’s Goth Community

/r/Goth’s Review Thursdays!

Got a review of something cool, somewhat goth-related? Maybe a nice book, movie, youtube? Wanna promote your thing? Go for it!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Thanks mods!

Thank you to the mods that removed a certain nsfw post that objectified goths!

submitted by /u/Gothic_bRuh
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Reddit’s Goth Community