Does Anyone Else Experience Harassment?

Throwaway account. I'm fucking tired of how cruel and unhinged people can be. I hate the fact that people feel as though they can take advantage of me. Even strangers. One guy yelled at me and harassed me today for not giving him money. He proceeded to follow me out of the store and insult me. He called me a dumbass, (ironically) broke, insulted my hair, told me to stop wearing black, and a bunch of other bullshit. Just kept attacking me. The verbal abuse kept going as I left the store. He followed me out of the store I was at, and insulted the race of the cop I was talking to following this incident. Called someone else the f-slur. I felt unsafe. 3 days into the new year and this happens.

Another guy looked me up and down, and I can't forget the look on his face. I can deal with staring, but he had this look of disgust on his face.

I just feel like I can't catch a fucking break. People are fucking awful.

Edit: Yes, I was dressed in my gothic attire. In both instances when this happened, it is why I mentioned it. I believe that my appearance makes me a target for that bullshit. I guess I should expect it looking "different". But it's still such an awful feeling. I wanted to know if anyone else experienced that. And how you deal with it.

Second edit: Just wanted to say, thank you everyone for taking time out of your day to comment. It's been rough so thank you for showing me kindness and empathy. It means a lot.

submitted by /u/Responsible-Eye9730
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