Goths with hair loss?

I’ve (22F) struggled with hair loss since I was about 12-13 due to genetics and medical conditions. It was, and still is, my biggest insecurity, but I’ve mostly learned to ignore it/work around it. However, I still have days where I feel like shit because I can’t do anything with my hair besides wear a hat or head scarf lol. And it gets really old. Especially after seeing all the beautiful and unique hairstyles of people in the goth community.

I’ve tried wigs and they’re ok until the itching becomes unbearable. I’ve also seriously contemplated just shaving my head (which I’ll have to do at some point anyway) but I’ve been dealing with breakouts and acne scarring for years so I feel insecure about exposing my whole face.

Does anyone else struggle with this or have advice/encouragement?

submitted by /u/throwwawayyy2218
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