Is it too late?.

Hi everyone, most likely this post will look like a whine, but I hope someone responds. I'm 20 years old, and I'm graduating from university this year, and I'll be 21 in a few months. I spent all my teenage time at home in the rhythm of home school. I became interested in the Gothic subculture relatively recently, but everything is limited exclusively to reading about it on the Internet, listening to music and communicating with Goths on the same Internet. Deep down, I want to party and move from the internet to the real world, but sometimes it feels like it's too late.. Looking at people who are 18.19 years old, it becomes sad that at their age they have so many interesting things, and I started getting involved in it so late.. Do I need to come to terms with this, or is it not too late?

submitted by /u/Vegetable-Bit-5892
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