Posts Tagged ‘lady’

Extraterrestrial Cat Lady – Murnau’s Head (2023 Demo)

submitted by /u/DJ_Finster
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Someone needs to do a proper post punk version of Bloody Mary by Lady Gaga.

Someone needs to do a post punk cover of Bloody Mary by Lady Gaga (Wednesday addams tiktok song).

I feel like that song could convert pretty smoothly, and it would help entice all the little Wednesday baby bats over to exploring the goth music genre as a whole.

submitted by /u/Batty_briefs
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Lunch lady asked if I was gothic or just dressed like that

Not really a rant. But yesterday one of the lunch ladies at my school asked if I was gothic or just dressed like that, how she put it really caught me off guard. The other lunch ppl were listening in and I just kind of felt like I was put on the spot? After that she said its a nice style and I just said thank you and carried on, probably offended her by not answering but I just didn't feel like explaining myself? Idk. Just sharing an experience. I'm not comfortable expressing that I'm goth to strangers, or people who I feel like just wouldn't get it. I get complimented a lot and don't mind people expressing that they like my outfit but I don't feel like I owe anyone an explanation and refuse to give them one as I have done so in the past and when I think back on it I find it kind of humiliating.

submitted by /u/Hexsic
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Reddit’s Goth Community