Unofficial Seething Sunday

Have you ever heard of a "rat king"? If not, go goggle it. I can wait. Though I must warn you it is pretty disgusting.

You're back? Finished throwing up yet? You haven't? Ok, looks like I have to wait some more.

Got it all out of your system? Yes? Good. A rat king seems to be a pretty angry ball of putrid fury. But I think we can do one better.

Imagine the same thing except let's replace the rats…

…with bats.

Behold the dreaded bat king! How was it created? No one knows. Those bats are out of their element. They want to fly, not roll around as some massive ball of confusion and anger. A leathery mass of screeching chittering teeth. I bet that is even more pissed off than the rats could ever be.

Unleash your inner bat king.

submitted by /u/aytakk
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