Archive for November 5th, 2023


Long story short I am a closeted goth. I listen to the music for years and desperately want to dress goth, but the issue is my parents. Mainly, my dad. I am an adult but based on the way he has reacted to previous discussions of this nature I am still anxious. The fact that he is a diagnosed narcissist doesn’t help either . I am sure he will say it is creepy and weird. My mom was an OG “alternative” so I’m not too worried about her. Is there a way that I can present this in a way that he will understand?

submitted by /u/Far_Hamster440
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Miazma – Lorelei (2016)

submitted by /u/rottinginside111
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Just need a place to rant

Baby bat here and I was abruptly reminded of an infamous webtoon comic that was literally named Goth. They look like what you would get if you combined e-boy, punk, emo, and all sorts of “edgy” styles together into one unholy mess. Also turns out, the author says the “goth” character is their self-insert. And then proceeds to post photos of them in the most un-goth fashion style. I know goth isn’t about the way you dress but the way that person presented themselves was a complete misrepresentation of what goths actually are.

This kind of misrepresentation just makes me really frustrated because it erases the music part of what it means to be goth and waters it down to just wearing black and edgy things. Things like these also frustrate me a lot because music is extremely important to me because it is a powerful method of communicating and expressing emotions. Music is something very rich in expression and it pains me to see people remove goth music, the very thing that goth subculture is built upon, and replace it with this strange version of “goth” that is being presented.

Please don’t send hate to them if you know who they are. This is just a rant to blow off steam. I just think that goth music is beautiful and great and all I want is for other people to see that and appreciate it as well.

submitted by /u/_JosephExplainsIt_
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Unofficial Seething Sunday

I'm a little distracted and preoccupied this week with a funeral coming up in a couple of days. The inspiration to be entertaining or funny in the OP just isn't there. I can't even be mad enough to complain about something.

So have at it.

submitted by /u/aytakk
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Reddit’s Goth Community

White Gate – The Agnes Circle (2016)

submitted by /u/xGentian_violet
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Goth rock reccomendations

Recently found a couple goth rock (Maybe? not to good at designating) bands such as Still Patient? and Star Industry so any bands that sound similar are welcome

submitted by /u/foreskinclipper107
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Reddit’s Goth Community