Archive for November 7th, 2023

Sisters of Mercy live in Cesena, 11.03.2023 – Alice

submitted by /u/paulista67
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Reddit’s Goth Community

M’era Luna or Wave Gotik Treffen?

So i’m planning to go to Germany next year (from the UK) to attend a festival but i’m not sure if i should attend M’era Luna or Wave Gotik Treffen. I love a lot of different music and I would like to get to see a bit of Germany whilst i’m there, my fave goth/post punk/gothic bands are Vision Video, Sisters Of Mercy, Bauhaus, Joy Division, Clan Of Xymox, Lebanon Hanover, Rosegarden Funeral Party, Alien Sex Fiend etc. Any help from people who have either attended/know people who have would be super appreciated! 🙂

submitted by /u/RoutineHomework9986
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Reddit’s Goth Community

The Face goes on the set for the filming of Telegram Sam video, March 1981

submitted by /u/YoungParisians
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Reddit’s Goth Community

over an hour later i finally got this stinker done. time to add it to my pants.

submitted by /u/Salt_Nefariousness78
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Men made throw up sounds walking past me today – has this happened to anyone else?

This is the third time this has happened so I know it's not a coincidence.

I'm a babybat and only started becoming more visibly alternative in the past few years – I have black hair, snakebites, a septum piercing and very visibly tattooed arms and legs. Today I was walking through the shopping centre, just in shorts and a t-shirt, no alternative makeup on, and two adult-sized (but they certainly behaved like children) men saw me and made fake puking noises.

I try not to let it get to me because at the end of the day I'm very happy with my style, I finally feel like the outward me matches the way I always saw myself in my head, but I'm a sensitive bean and it's hard not to feel self-conscious and sad after something like this, especially since it's happened a few times in public now.

I'm in Melbourne, Australia for reference – I'd heard of boys barking at goth girls before but the puking thing seems to not be so common, at least when I've tried to search for similar experiences online.

submitted by /u/iamtheconfused
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Bauhaus ‘In The Flat Field’ ad in The Face magazine – December 1980

submitted by /u/YoungParisians
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Reddit’s Goth Community