Posts Tagged ‘Survive’

the music helps me survive

anyone else feel lost and alone? i listen to goth music and it makes me feel sad, but also better at the same time. i wish i had more friends that felt this way. a lot of people just don't understand. sometimes i wish more people were like me, but at the same time i feel comfort in knowing i'm a lot different than most people i meet.

goth music sort of helps me bridge the gap between needing to be with people, needing to be needed but at the same time needing to be alone. it's like i want both, but i can never have it, i will never truly be happy. ever.

so the music is sort of therapy for me to at least give me some relief from the pain that i hope stops one day

submitted by /u/lostandalohne
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Hapax – Survive the night

submitted by /u/Lord_Dagger
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Reddit’s Goth Community

I’m a little into custom lettering and tattoo design but I’m on a vacation with my family rn and I left my graphic tablet at home so I’m just trying to survive with sketchbook and pen these days

submitted by /u/FirefightingPenis
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Reddit’s Goth Community