Would anyone like to see more goth figures of bands?

While there may a few and something like this came out recently:

Peter Murphy toy collectible to be released after Pandemic pause – Plasticgod

I've realized we don't have many goth collectable figures related to bands and high end quality sculptured figures of bands, compared to other genres. Do you think it would be a good idea to help make this happen of course in a way that doesn't seem overly commercial or misrepresenting anything ? If anything, it could be through a more smaller company or person with agreements made to ensure that it doesn't go in the wrong direction.

I think it would be interesting to see a series of detailed figures or dolls or miniature toys not just of the iconic groups but members of numerous band across genres including batcave, darkwave etc given that this toy trend has been a thing for 15 or so years now and for an an affordable price.

Any thoughts?

submitted by /u/Smashrock797
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Reddit’s Goth Community

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