Archive for February 13th, 2023

Advice for a baby bat?

Hey, first time posting in here. I'm a baby bat but have been listening to goth music for years without realizing it. Now I'm trying to get more into the fashion and culture. Goth friends, what do you recommend to a baby bat like me? I've been wearing a lot of black, but otherwise I have no idea where to start. I saw someone in another place say to read the book "Gothic Charm School" by Jillian Venters but not sure if there's anything else.

tdlr; What books/resources/videos do you recommend to a baby bat for the fashion and culture aspect of goths? Where does your style come from?

Sorry if this is silly, I'm still learning things about goth culture!

submitted by /u/greenouroboros8
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Reddit’s Goth Community

What made interested and or become apart of the Goth subculture?

Just of of curiosity! Was it the music, fashion or other lifestyle aspects that drew you in? Or anything?

submitted by /u/Beginning_Net_8037
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Faith and the Muse “When We Go Dark” has been in my head all day

submitted by /u/TheSkinoftheCypher
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Goths in North East Connecticut?

Hey there I was wondering if anyone was around the eastern side of the state. I know typically things are bustling out west. I was wondering about the top corner where CT / RI / MA

If anyone was into the scene or into making music of the genre / neighboring genre that'd be cool.

I'm just generally looking for friends and people to talk to in the scene, since I've been talking to maybe limited people the past couple of years and friends are in short supply.

submitted by /u/Permanent_Highschool
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Reddit’s Goth Community

/r/goth’s Weekly Discussion Thread

Want to chat about something which doesn't need it's own thread? Do it here!

Feel free to discuss music, fashion, events, DIY projects, etc. and anything relating to goth as long as it's in line with the subreddit rules.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Merciful Nuns..

A few months ago YouTube recommended this band to me. At first I said "oh, they kind of sound like The Sisters Of Mercy hmm that's neato.." but after watching 5+ music videos , hearing many songs from their various albums & looking at their photos, their album covers I quickly realized this band might love The Sisters Of Mercy MORE than The Sisters Of Mercy love The Sisters Of Mercy LOL. Also, their band's name isn't very subtle. Sisters Of Mercy/Merciful Nuns. Even their band logo's font is the same font TSOM use. Wow.

I look forward to the day I find a band of 4 or 5 folks who use construction equipment, audio loops, synths & a barely tuned bass & guitar to make the musical equivalent of Dada art, & their band's name is Crumbling New Apartments, their debut LP's name is Shatter.

submitted by /u/JanneJetson
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Reddit’s Goth Community