Posts Tagged ‘drummer’

Current bands with live drummer?

Are there any popular or semi-popular goth bands that are currently touring and reocrd with a live drummer?

I feel like most of the big names currently and in most of the 21st century are all useing drum machines, but maybe I'm just not paying close enough attention?

submitted by /u/Oldman-Nails
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Curious- how do you all feel about a drummer vs synthesized drums live?

As the title says, curious to hear how other goths feel about bands using a drummer vs drum machine/pre recorded/synth drums live

submitted by /u/fellow7
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Reddit’s Goth Community

First ever punk band The Damned tour 2022 with rat scabies, my dad got me into this band as he’s been their biggest fan for years, the band mean a lot to my heart, rat even signed my gig ticket I’ll treasure it forever, what an amazing drummer

submitted by /u/rottzombie
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Im a drummer and composer

Hello Im a drummer and composer and I do songs inspired by comics like The Crow and Sandman this is inspired by Death from Sandman

submitted by /u/SnooBeans3004
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Lol Tolhurst – Original co-founder and drummer for The Cure.

submitted by /u/latexflesh
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Reddit’s Goth Community