Posts Tagged ‘Online’

June 26th on… Redevamp Enamorados Dark Online Festival

submitted by /u/Les_Longs_Adieux
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Reddit’s Goth Community

What’s your favorite online store or brand for clothing?

I’m currently looking for a prom dress and i’m having a hard time finding anything reasonably priced or my style.

submitted by /u/ffrozenffirefflame
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Info on goth online groups circa 80s to early 90s

Anyone have any interesting links, memories or names relating to online discussion groups from around 1979 to 1993 that were centered around discussion of goth and post punk bands and the scene as it was happening? This would be through BBS and Usenet primarily before the internet took over in 1994-1996.

I just think its fascinating to read and document such things, even if a few low percentage of people knew about online discussion groups and were using modems to discuss goth music.

As you know, online activity was thing way before the latter 90s and it was centered more around computer nerds, hacking, specific industries, universities with much less casual users and with a different and much less developed infrastructure than the modern internet.

The first public goth sites on the internet from my memory date to 1994-1995, they were just a few, seem to have operated as personal homepage fan websites, often seemed very basic, limited or poorly written.

I believe there few bands posting music samples around then I can't confirm the names, since there weren't that many bands and each had a few tracks and music sampling was less common until 1997. They were likely to be on the Internet Underground Music Achieve (IUMA) or Den's Cyberden around that time, but I can't be certain.

submitted by /u/Smashrock797
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Does Anyone Have Any Info on This Band. It’s Fairly Thin Online but for BandCamp.

submitted by /u/ViroTechnica
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Reddit’s Goth Community

I’ve been enjoying this bottle that I found online. It’s a whiskey called Von Payne, tastes pretty good. I bought it to add to my collection cause it totally fits my vibe. any other bottles out there that I can add to my Gothic at home bar?

submitted by /u/5280mk6
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Where to get goth cds for dirt cheap online?

So this doesn't include the obvious; ebay, amazon, discogs, garage sales sites. What are some places, companies, distros and labels that tend to have low prices, good variety and really good deals on physical goth music, mainly cds. Problem with discogs and the like is that you easily end up paying hundreds of dollars for a few albums, which may not even be rare, when you could be saving.

submitted by /u/Smashrock797
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Reddit’s Goth Community