Posts Tagged ‘Rozz’

Looking for an evaluation of Rozz Williams’ discography

I recently started trying to get to grips with Christian Death, which has led me to discover the mess that is their discography. I don't like the stuff involving Valor. On the other hand, there is a bunch of stuff that Rozz recorded as "Christian Death featuring Rozz Williams" and under other names.

What would be really handy is if someone had written a discussion and review of all the records. It seems like something a hardcore fan might do, but does such a resource actually exist? Grateful for any help!

(I considered posting this appeal in the RozzWilliams reddit, but that seems to be almost dead at this point.)

submitted by /u/Key_Owl_7416
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Happy Birthday Rozz Williams 🥀

submitted by /u/Stellawasadiver666
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Gave Rozz a visit 🥀

submitted by /u/Stellawasadiver666
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My friends and I recently went to Hollywood Forever, while there we ending up paying homage to Rozz.

submitted by /u/Totallytot13
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omw to the Rozz Williams poetry book release. I’m so excited🖤🖤🖤

submitted by /u/Sorry_Succotash5553
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R.I.P. Rozz Williams

submitted by /u/ghostparasites
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Where is all the outrage over Rozz Williams being a nazi?

Where is all the outrage over Rozz William's using nazi imagery? Yet you guys are foaming at the mouth to cancel anyone else over a rumour about misconduct. The goth subculture is full of hypocrites. If any other artist did this today everyone would be lined up with torches to take him down. Incoming apologists and "well he didn't really mean it, it was just for shock value" "it was a different time" excuses.
"hE wAsn'T rEaLlY a nAzI!11!!" "hE iSn'T aLiVe tO eXpLaIn iT!11!" There are NEVER excuses for this. NEVER.

submitted by /u/Endlessdescent21
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Around a year ago I posted my Rozz Williams P.E collection… here’s my collection now (I have more stuff here and there but this is the heart of my collection)

submitted by /u/RxTxKx
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Christian death’s /Rozz Williams most melodic songs ? From anything from CD to Shadow Project

Lmk your favs, thanks

submitted by /u/According_Sherbet238
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submitted by /u/curtailedindarkness
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