Archive for April, 2022

Dallas Deathrockers Blood Bells are finally back onstage after more than two years!

submitted by /u/templeovlove
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Henric de la Cour – Two Against One (Official Video) [darkwave]

submitted by /u/gurrimandy
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Reddit’s Goth Community

goths and locs…..

I've never been controversial on Reddit but this is a touchy subject for some people and that might happen today so😭 ps talking about race isn't political.

Ok let's start with I love the goth subculture it means alot to me I feel at home and comfortable something no other thing has sparked in me. Though as a black goth I do get uncomfortable with the racism/racial ignorance at times. I see people get locs and call them dreads when there's a long history behind this cultural hairstyle.

Some short history: Black people's hair was seen as disgusting and cut off by slave owners to dehumanize us because our hair meant a lot to us. So we twisted out hair into locs and began to rebel. The racist called our hair "dreadful" that's where you get dreadlocks from.

It feels disrespectful when people try to mimic our hair and it's in general harmful since we are still being discriminated against based off our hair. Plus non black people can't locs their hair naturally. Especially not centuries ago what other cultures may have had were hair they never washed held together by the oils puss dirty etc untwisted or maintained. That's completely different from locs

Here's some arguments ik will come up because I get the same thing every time "Vikings" : Viking Belts where found and according to historians they had combs so no they didn't have locs and two Viking is an occupation not a culture

"It's just hair" no it's culture and a culture that's holding up a lot of black people especially with how much we are put through

"It's been in the goth community" because the goth community and the alternative movement did not in fact start in 1980s Britain but was started by black people with hoodoo and their darker music and way of dressing "I put a spell on you" is the oldest alternative song I know and the movement has grown and gone through stages to get to what we have right now so ofc it was different back then if you wanna argue that.

And finally this isn't an attack so don't take it like one please peaceful discussions and open minds to hearing a black goth's side to the community as someone who recently entered last year

submitted by /u/Afro_Dite28
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Dark techno-like groups/projects similar to TR/ST or Boy Harsher?

As the title implies, I’m looking for dark techno-like groups/projects that have that TR/ST or Boy Harsher sound. I love TR/ST with 90% of my heart but I need more

submitted by /u/stabmewthastake
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Tears For The Dying killing it last Wednesday in Nashville

submitted by /u/locustfangs
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Confusion about all the different genres!

I don’t have a clear understanding of what exactly Industrial is and would really appreciate if it could be explained with some examples of industrial artists!

I also see post-punk be confused with goth. I somewhat have an understanding of the two but not sure where to draw a clear line.

Then there’s coldwave, darkwave (heavy synth?), ethereal wave, and all that fun stuff lol. I’m not too sure of the difference between all of those.

Examples are appreciated! Hoorah to learning!

submitted by /u/satanismyputa
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Less common combinations/fusions with goth music

What are some less common or interesting fusions or combinations with goth music worth mentioning? I'm not going to consider gothabilly for this thread and please don't list industrial, metal bands or well known and commonly or recently discussed music.

It's either goth music with a obscure or unlikely fusion or genre ex. African tribal music for example or vice versa.

submitted by /u/Smashrock797
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Babybat here!

Hey everyone! I need music recs. I’m already a part of the emo and punk subcultures, but I’ve been wanting to get into goth. Some of my favorite bands currently r MCR, Ramones, Sex Pistols, The Oozes, Green Day, AJJ, and Fall Out Boy. Thx in advance!!

submitted by /u/plipl
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Another Absolution Event. May 27th.

submitted by /u/Les_Longs_Adieux
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Any handmade clothing shops to purchase from like on Etsy or other places?

I want to purchase more handmade gothic clothing. Been kind of lazy to make my own stuff now and a lot of these “gothic” clothing store have been making clothes that just aren’t quite right.

submitted by /u/lemonence
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Reddit’s Goth Community