Archive for May, 2023

hey, I drew Sean Brennan from London After Midnight.

submitted by /u/averagelifelover
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Unofficial Seething Sunday

People don't read anymore. I'm not talking about books or magazine/news articles (they don't read any of those either, why do that when a video can tell you stuff), I'm talking about things like basic instructions.

Take r/goth for example. The rules are clearly posted and if we have to remove a post we tell you why. People come storming into modmail or angery posting without reading why all the time. As a case in point we had a lot of Fashion Friday posts this week and most (if not all) will be culled. I am expecting a few who haven't read the rules or the removal reason to angery storm somewhere as most are from new people and lurkers.

And then there is post flairs. Sometimes it feels like the only flairs that exist are "Goth Club" and "Old School '80s" because people don't care enough to flair their posts right. Sure it may seem officious and anal retentive but there is method to it. You can search using the flairs so having things in the right flairs means your posts can be found. And you want to be heard and your post seen, otherwise why even post it?

So what's got you down/mad/annoyed/angery/enraged this week? Goth related or not it's all good here. But the goth stuff does get more attention as it should. Pro tip there.

submitted by /u/aytakk
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Reddit’s Goth Community

How do you find local shows?

Been trying to find cheap local shows and the internet is absolutely not helping out at all. Tell me your ways.

submitted by /u/Hipplyhoppz
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Arianna of The Frozen Autumn Fan Art

submitted by /u/Husbandaru
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Frank The Baptist at WGT 2023

I really, really love this band. It was an awesome gig, my voice is completely gone now. They played two songs from a new album and I can't wait for the release. They also played old songs like "silver is her color" and "beg, steal and borrow"

submitted by /u/ElseGraupel
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Tiffadelic … your Black Punk Goth 🦇


submitted by /u/tiffadelic
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Perhaps the Most Influential Artist in My Life is Robert Smith of The Cure~!

Wow, seeing that old Siouxsie & the Banshees on YouTube started giving me memories on how grateful I am to Robert Smith. I don't think he would ever realize just how much he has changed my life. I literally would be so lost in life without his influence.

I first picked up the guitar because of Robert Smith. I was so inspired by how he is able to turn such deep, profound and sometimes even dark feelings into a beautiful canvas of lush symphonies of ethereal tone that is so extraordinarily beautiful to listen to. I wanted to reproduce that art for myself, also so he inspired me to learn the guitar.

Fast forward about 3 years and I got heavy into the classical guitar because of the same thirst to seek beauty in tone. What got me heavy into it was when I bought a cheap 3$ classical guitar album with someone playing the Six Suites for Unaccompanied Violincello transcribed onto guitar. I was like, what the heck, it's only 3$ and I do need to listen to as many types of guitar music if I am ever going to master this instrument. I swear they actually sound better on the guitar then it does on the cello as if it was meant to be composed for the instrument. Bach is known to be so mathematically precise his melodies and harmonies. I listened to it stoned once and I swear I heard 5 different melodies I didn't hear before and a very complicated bass line to go with it. I swore that I would one day be able to play that entire album, which consists of Suite I and III BWV1007 and BWV1009 if you are ever curious on listening or learning it, and I learned both suites within a year because I was so motivated and practiced 12 hours a day to learn it!

Anyone else had his/her life changed and defined by listening to a similar artist?

An old postcard that I saved! Sweet, beautiful guitar that he probably painted himself.

I would have never intimately known the beauty of Clarita, my guitar, if it wasn't for the extraordinary man above.

submitted by /u/TenzinAlexander
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Deb Demure (of Drab Majesty) and I, 2015

submitted by /u/ablurredgirl
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Before and after cutting bangs

submitted by /u/NailEquivalent3693
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Reddit’s Goth Community

I may be a simple goth, tho goth non-the-less!

submitted by /u/ElWasHeree
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Reddit’s Goth Community