Posts Tagged ‘called’

Hapax have called it quits

submitted by /u/ffzoh
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Can someone give me more information about Propaganda’s logo? It’s said to be a nazi symbol called Totenkopf.

submitted by /u/violetBudd
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Hey all I play in a punk/deathrock band called Academy Order. y’all seemed into the first new single so I figured I’d let you know we just released our promo tape yesterday via Deathwish & Protagonist. Got an east coast tour planned for the spring, hope you call can make it if we’re in your area🖤

submitted by /u/fellow7
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Have any of you been called sexual slurs for the way we dress back in highschool?

I’m currently going through this in my school because the way I dress and the opened minded jokes I make. I don’t really know how to deal with it and I’m wondering if I’m the only one that is going or has gone through this.

submitted by /u/Comfortable-Gur5550
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Reddit’s Goth Community

I’ve been enjoying this bottle that I found online. It’s a whiskey called Von Payne, tastes pretty good. I bought it to add to my collection cause it totally fits my vibe. any other bottles out there that I can add to my Gothic at home bar?

submitted by /u/5280mk6
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Reddit’s Goth Community