Posts Tagged ‘Majesty’s’

Drab Majesty’s 2023 Europe Tour has begun!

submitted by /u/DeadDeathrocker
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Drab Majesty’s weird relationship with Racism

I remember Andrew Clinco of Drab Majesty came under fire for posting a racially insensitive tweet. There was a statement after “The tweet was myopic, unsympathetic, steeped in cultural prejudice, and it represented myself as both a racist and a bigot” He continues “I see now that it emanated from a position of white privilege, something that I promise to recognize moving forward. It was a careless and selfish attempt at humor without considering my audience and the current state of the world, and I see how this tweet contributes to a frightening climate of increasing harassment against Asians and people of color, making a space for discourse less safe.”

Recognising that is all well and good, however Andrew Clinco also has a music project called VR Sex of which Aaron Montaigne (Antioch Arrow) is a member. Montaigne is an ex soldier and has a tattoo of the Black Sun (a symbol used by the SS) on his lower leg. I also saw a video of him wearing a ring with the symbol on it.

If I remember correctly in the same video he mentioned being proud to have fought in combat and mentioning “the fucked up democracy we live in.”

As ironic as it seems, Cryptofascism is prevalent in areas of the Hardcore scene and this sadly extends to Goth and Industrial. What I find really creepy is the song Surrender. It appears to be from the point of view of someone in a club who sees someone there as being pretentious and stupid, noting that they “dress like Jimi Hendrix”

Plenty of racists deny their racism, especially when they’ve been called out for it in public. They’ll say anything to slip back under the radar.

You can easily disguise your sick beliefs in lyrics. These can be clues to others who believe the same “if you know you know”

It’s deeply disturbing because I love Drab Majesty’s music. It’s always sounded like some of the freshest music in the scene. So what’s going on with Drab Majesty?

submitted by /u/Virtual_Mode_5026
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Reddit’s Goth Community