Archive for June 30th, 2023

Outfit I wore to a sober prom last Friday

submitted by /u/chickadee711
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Did your friends and family assume goth was going to be a phase for you?

It wasn't a phase, mom! I was fifteen then. Over three decades later, here I still am. Yes, I did take an extended break from goth in my university years. I still wore black, but I stopped listening to the music. For the longest time, the music conjured up PTSD-related memories due to a catastrophic falling-out with an eldergoth friend.

Good old Christian Mom, when I was a babybat: "What are you doing with those candles and incense?" Before you guess that she asked me about devil worship—you're absolutely right! She did ask about devil worship!

I had to do a lot of explaining about the subculture. To my family, to the friends I'd alienated, to the public.

I don't look as extreme now, but I've got this subculture in my DNA. There's so much new music. I'm floored by the amount. I've set a personal goal to listen to ten albums per day, indefinitely, but at least for a year. I'm single and I'm studying online, so I can afford to.

Did your family assume that goth was going to be a phase for you? How did people react in your babybat days?

submitted by /u/magicfeistybitcoin
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Reddit’s Goth Community

How I went to see The Cure 🖤

submitted by /u/Gloomanddoom999
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Reddit’s Goth Community

A lesser known, yet still legendary page from Mexican Goth history…

Anybody ever hear about or want to lovingly reminisce on the now legendary Emo, Goth, Punk Wars of Metro Insurgentes Mexico City, Mexico? Did you know that in 2008, the Insurgentes Mexico City metro station was the site of an hours-long fight between emo, punk, metal, and goth groups? The police couldn’t stop the grouping. Then suddenly a group of Hare Krishnas joined in and only they were able to disperse the crowds lol! This is one of my favorite endings of all time. Thought people here might appreciate it. Heres a video too, not the best translation but better than nada:

submitted by /u/CosmicMachete
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Well.. I have Joy Division tablecloth :DD

submitted by /u/ManijakSK
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Reddit’s Goth Community

What are some goth albums you consider to be great/solid from start to finish?

My picks would be Disintegration and Floodland, but I’d love to hear other people’s choices, especially if it’s lesser known stuff.

submitted by /u/Cineswimmer
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Reddit’s Goth Community