Posts Tagged ‘well’

My family knows me so well! Merry Christmas!

submitted by /u/Insomia_Incarnate
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Reddit’s Goth Community

My soul is my loss, I’m well hung from your cross

submitted by /u/Gloomanddoom999
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Reddit’s Goth Community

High desert darkness is alive and well..

submitted by /u/Highinthe505
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Looking into starting a zine or site about the goth subculture, primarily in it’s current state as well as many throwback oppurtunites

I want to get many people involved such as bands, artists, small businesses, babybats, elder goths, just anyone with an appreciation for goth involved. Things such as interviews, fashion discussion, monthly releases and music reviews, concert photography and art, and general discussion about the subculture throughout the years will be present. I am only 18 and from California so I would need assistance from fellow goths of all ages, locations, and identities in order to represent the goth community as completely as I can. Much help is appreciated !

submitted by /u/whisperingglades
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Well.. I have Joy Division tablecloth :DD

submitted by /u/ManijakSK
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Reddit’s Goth Community

What are some well known bands you never knew were goth?

We all know the well known bands that everyone thinks are goth but AREN'T. Typeo Negative, Marilyn Manson, NIN, Depeche Mode, etc…

Well I'm curious, how many well known bands are out there that many people don't realize are actually goth?

submitted by /u/colorsinmybrain
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Reddit’s Goth Community

What are your favorite goth bands that aren’t so well known?

Everyone knows the popular ones. Kinda want to add others to a playlist.

submitted by /u/SqushyMain
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Do any of you have casual meets or events in your area? Do they do well?

For context, I'm interested in setting up casual meetups within our scene in the near future. I love our club nights but sometimes I feel I'd prefer some wine and good conversation. I heard that my city used to have more casual gatherings back in the day (I'm in Boston), but those seem to have died out looong ago.

Do any of you host casual events out where you live? How do you go about doing that?

Peace ✌🏾

submitted by /u/ginepas
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Made a post last night about Dave Vanian, and I realize the photo didn’t capture his style very well. The Damned rule, all the same.

submitted by /u/IrvingsGhost
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Made myself some badges. Well I just printed pictures and glued them to some old bagdes I found. I like them though and thought you guys would appreciate it! ( The SoM one is bad.. will re-do it someday)

submitted by /u/Maeromi
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Reddit’s Goth Community