Archive for September 22nd, 2023

Goth: A History by Lol Tolhurst review – the dark is rising

submitted by /u/Existentialidiot83
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Band tees 🖤

submitted by /u/Gloomanddoom999
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Stranger and Lovers – Blood Dance

submitted by /u/Gloomanddoom999
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Any ideas how to convince people to join a goth tribute band?

Hi, i'm from Mexicali. I've been trying to make a bauhaus tribute in my city (Because I can't find any place to listen to goth music).

The bandmates of my band (I won't mention the name of it) are from other parts of the world, so it's almost impossible to make them travel + it is very expensive. Here where I live, most of people I know doesn't know about bauhaus or isn't interested (They prefer The Cure, Soda Stereo, Los prisioneros, etc.)

Any tips for what I can do? I'm new in the music area, i've been singing all my life but never organized something big from the start (besides the band, but that's something different).

(Those eyes were painted by me)

submitted by /u/Master_Gracey_enjoy
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Why are goth girls so trendy now

The same people who bullied goth girls are thirsting for them. Do these men, honestly, think that they have a chance with em? They have no knowledge of goth culture, they will never read anything remotely interesting nor will they care. Would they ever listen to Pornography? Read Nietzsche? Know who Joy Division or Bauhaus is?

I’m gatekeeping but idc

submitted by /u/Consistent31
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Reddit’s Goth Community

The March Violets: Snake Dance

submitted by /u/Dustyrnis
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Reddit’s Goth Community