Archive for September 29th, 2023

I started a sub for sober punks, metalheads, goths, and those in counterculture: r/altsober

Hi, I'm hoping some of you might be interested in checking out this new sub. I've met too many people from underground/alt countercultures in sobriety spaces that didn't have a place to express their cultural identity really openly. I wanted to try and create that space here on reddit. We don't follow any particular philosophy of sobriety, and put harm reduction above binary, black and white approaches. If you're sober or just curious, why not come and check us out? Thanks for reading this.

submitted by /u/alonefrown
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Reddit’s Goth Community

I’m the creature from the black leather lagoon 🦇

submitted by /u/Soydarksbailocumbias
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Goth music recs for someone that’s really into hardcorepunk?

I'm especially into things like powerviolence/grind/d beat, but generally anything across the extreme punk rock/hardcore/metal realm. I'm looking for goth music that's also maybe inspired or adjacent to that, or that you just think would be enjoyable for people that also enjoy that stuff. Also my friend showed me 45 Grave and I really enjoyed them.

By the way there's this band from Albany NY called Wet Specimens that fits this category, it's the only one I can think of myself lol, try them out, they're sick.

submitted by /u/sykadelic_angel
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Reddit’s Goth Community

People with IRL goth friends. Where did you meet them?

For me, I don't have goth friends, but I have met some lovely people involved in the subculture 🙂 For example, I was at the record store buying a Sisters of Mercy, The Cult and The Cure albums (along with some metal albums) and a father with a Sisters of Mercy band shirt and his daughter complimented me on my choice of album. Which was Floodland, but First and Last and Always is my favourite.

Years ago, I tried making a friend on Amino and I met a German girl who was very into goth rock and darkwave, but industrial too. She was very cheerful and kind, but I didn't access my account any more for some reason. I still think about her to this day and wish I could've kept her username or something.

I knew a girl at high school who listened to goth rock and post-punk and knew quite a bit about the subculture, but you would never have guessed that by the way she portrayed and dressed herself! I had a blast talking about the subculture, history and music with her. We have both expressed that we want to spend more time with each other and that we want to be good friends. However, we are both expecting each other to make the first move, like two Hollywood cowboys waiting to draw at a gunfight.

Where did you meet other goths IRL?

submitted by /u/UnderTheFuneralMoon
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Reddit’s Goth Community

is there a term for new goths other than ‘baby bat’?

I’m brand new to the subculture and loving it here so far but I’m not really comfortable describing myself as a baby bat. definitely get the appeal of the term, I think it’s just personal preference; wondering if there are alternatives. If there aren’t I’m content to just call myself “new” lol but I was just curious

submitted by /u/frogprxnce
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Altar De Fey in the 80s

I’m a HUGE fan of Altar De Fey and I think they’re one of the best Deathrock bands around. It’s awesome that they reformed to create new music. But I also feel they are criminally underrated. Is anyone else a fan?

submitted by /u/_Leichenschrei_
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Reddit’s Goth Community