Archive for October 25th, 2023

Substance fest starts next week in Los Angeles

submitted by /u/substance_la
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Reddit’s Goth Community

How current is the Gothberg 2.0?

(Image attached for convenience)

I am aware that this was complied by u/DeadDeathRocker over two years ago, but I’m curious to know if the tiers have remained more or less the same (for those who don’t know, the tiers are organized by number of listeners across various music streaming services).

Is there anything glaringly outdated? Are there certain bands that have become much more popular, or ones not on this list that are popular now? What about your favorite more obscue bands? I would like to know as much of this kind of information as I can, as this chart has been an invaluable resource for me as I’ve been exploring goth music.

Thank you, by the way, to the user that just posted an iceberg chart of lesser known bands classes by number of Spotify listeners. What excellent timing!

submitted by /u/mxshapavlovna
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Décima Víctima – Un Hombre Solo

submitted by /u/vzlangoth
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Saw She Past Away

Great show! Sorry for the poor video quality

submitted by /u/Labadoressence_XLR
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Reddit’s Goth Community

She past away Seattle

Had such a good time at She Past away. Was a great show definitely one for the books!

submitted by /u/Plastic-Swimmer8438
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Navigating social anxiety/imposter syndrome?

I hope I can get some insight on this <3 I'm sure many people have dealt with this feeling before.

Recently, I've been listening to goth music a lot. I like Scary Bitches and Aurat the most, I think. I love consuming content made by goths (like vlogs, art etc). I feel drawn to the aesthetics.

My issue is that I feel a little hesitant engaging with goth subculture more deeply bc I'm very very socially anxious. I want to talk to people with similar interests, but I'm afraid that I'm not knowledgeable enough on the subculture as a whole.

Going to clubs and concerts also feels very daunting. It looks very fun, but I'm like "am I allowed to be here" 😭 I like a whole host of diff genres and I know that other goth ppl do too, it's normal. But I feel like I'm specifically not allowed for some reason.

I think my question is, how should I get past these mental barriers and just enjoy the music? How do I make friends who share this interest with me without feeling like I'm an imposter?

submitted by /u/chereaz
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Reddit’s Goth Community