Archive for July, 2022

Xmal Deutschland – Geheimnis

submitted by /u/Lord_Dagger
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Bought a signed, near mint copy of Fire Dancesx today for 80 dollars.

submitted by /u/thiccboii666
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Reddit’s Goth Community

a little Bauhaus jewellery box I painted yesterday

submitted by /u/jiltedforeverandever
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Diy Battle Blazer with some modern bands on it along with an older more obscure band

submitted by /u/Doodlyjen
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Reddit’s Goth Community

DIY band album wall! (Work in progress, still have a lot of bands I want to include! But instead of taping up the actual CD booklets, I printed out 5×5 images. Super easy and looks nice!)

submitted by /u/ndhope0204
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Why do goth band shirts always look like this?

Okay so maybe not always, but very often it seems you get band shirts that look like this – seemingly posterized to such an extent that you can barely tell who or what you're looking at unless you already know. And at least in some cases this seems to be an intentional choice rather than the result of limitations, since the same bands will have great album art, photos, or other designs that could likely be used instead or in addition, but aren't despite those same designs sometimes appearing on other items they mass-produce.

What is the reasoning here? Am I missing something? Do you enjoy how these kinds of designs look? Please let me know.

Ultimately taste is subjective and I'm not trying to insult anyone here. I love my favs and typically buy their merch no matter how I feel about how it looks; I just wish more of the designs were aligned with my tastes and am a bit confused as to why things are the way they are.

submitted by /u/BithTheBlack
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Causa de Muerte – Gelosia (2019) [deathrock] (Chile)

submitted by /u/DeadDeadCool
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Reddit’s Goth Community

DIY Wednesday~ My first Sewing project- Leather skirt

submitted by /u/willow_scarlet678
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Scars- Peel Session 1980

submitted by /u/ndhope0204
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Deadchovsky – Solene is a Batcave (2004) [deathrock]

submitted by /u/gurrimandy
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Reddit’s Goth Community