Archive for August 25th, 2023

The Oldest Goth Club in the World: Slimelight

submitted by /u/Gloomanddoom999
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Reddit’s Goth Community

emo to goth pipeline ?

i'm curious to see how many of us used to be emo. i was emo as a younger teen but now i'm fully goth. also every other goth i've met irl was emo in the past so i think its a conspiracy.

submitted by /u/xx_imsostarving_xx
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Bauhaus ad for Ziggy Stardust in NME, October 1982

submitted by /u/YoungParisians
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Reddit’s Goth Community

My soul is my loss, I’m well hung from your cross

submitted by /u/Gloomanddoom999
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Reddit’s Goth Community

“Need help to find a song” Song found.

Hello, I once made a post where I asked for help to find a song that I heard at a goth club. The description I used for such song was that there are parts where people scream "Hey!" really loud just once. I also thought the singer was a woman, but I was wrong. I found the song luckily because I heard it again at the club and got the chance to ask the DJ. The song is "Metropolis" by Schwefel. Thanks to everyone who tried to help me. Here's a link to the song 🙂

submitted by /u/RockyIsDead
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Reddit’s Goth Community

At what point do you consider someone to be goth?

I'm somewhat new to the music and I'm just genuinly curious what makes someone goth to you, because I've heard different things at this point

submitted by /u/BaumFischPute
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Reddit’s Goth Community