Archive for August 20th, 2023

Lycia – The Rain

submitted by /u/missdoubletrouble
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Is getting barked at a universal goth experience regardless of gender? (Context below)

I (20m) am rather new to the goth community and I've seen many posts and comments on here which mention that some who dress dark / gothic are sometimes getting barked at.

Yesterday I've been on a date with a woman who has been goth far longer than me and as we both walked into a big train station, a few men / Boys barked at us or her.

I wanted to ask if you think that this was more likely directed at both of us or more at her because she's a woman? I can't really tell if this event was something like catcalling aimed towards her or just aggression against us both because of our style.

I am sorry if this question is a bit dumb but I've never experienced something like this in person and I don't want to make this about me if I potentially wasn't the victim at all.

submitted by /u/LePetitPrinceFan
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Reddit’s Goth Community

What makes gothic music gothic?

I’m fairly new to the gothic community and i’m a little confused. There’s a lot of discourse going on currently on tiktok concerning gothic music about a band called ‘Strawberry Switchblades’. People are arguing its 90’s pop, but others are saying its a genre of gothic music. Can somebody help please?

submitted by /u/Copalit
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Reddit’s Goth Community

diy alien sex fiend vest spotted at el corazon seattle

submitted by /u/paintedskeletons
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Unofficial Seething Sunday

Somebody once told me gatekeepers are gonna roll me
I ain't the darkest goth in the club
She was looking kind of calm with her extended out-turned palm
While gazing up on display on her forehead

Well the years start coming and I don't stop romancing
Bled to the rules and I hit the ground dancing
Didn't make sense not to live for goth
Your brain gets smart but your soul gets lost
So much to do, so much to hear
So what's wrong with goth music all year?
You'll never know if you don't try
You'll never goth if you don't sigh

Hey now
Hey now now
You're a goth now
Go play…

submitted by /u/aytakk
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Reddit’s Goth Community

What is the relationship between Goth Culture and BDSM

I’ve seen a lot of fashion brands add bdsm elements to anything they have that is gothic “gothic dress with harness straps etc..”

Also I’ve seen a lot of people that always associate goth girls with bdsm “like when they see them they immediately assume they’re into bdsm etc..”

These are just few examples of what I’m trying to say

So… now to the real question

What is the history and link/association between goth culture and bdsm? Is bdsm inherently part of the culture? If bdsm is not, then how did all of this associations between the two start?

submitted by /u/KendationRecords
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Reddit’s Goth Community