Archive for November, 2023

I’m editing a film

Is it interesting for world goth community?

submitted by /u/Barrowofmysorrow
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Reddit’s Goth Community

cabaret goth music recs?

i’m new to this whole thing, but i listen to a lot of dresden dolls and after researching i’ve figured out that their genre is defined as “cabaret/burlesque goth”. are there any other bands that are in the same genre? i don’t mind the popularity or obscurity, i just want to hear more music like it. thank you!!!

submitted by /u/variati0nsonacl0ud
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Specimen – Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (1983)

submitted by /u/Depressed_Wallflower
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Another Abyss – Chasing Ghosts

submitted by /u/HoldYourTears
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Peter Murphy’s “Wild Birds Live Tour” Dedication to Denzel Washington

Would someone please share/explain Peter's dedication to Denzel Washington on "Strange Kind of Love"? Was it about Denzel losing the Best Actor Oscar for "The Hurricane"? Peter's comment is hard to make out. Thanks for the help.

submitted by /u/marlauckas
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Reddit’s Goth Community

What band is this pin from? I don’t know and I can’t find this logo anywhere else + I don’t wanna keep it on my jacket if it means something bad lol. Thx.

submitted by /u/AnimalInteresting983
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Cold Room – The Tears of Blood (2021)

submitted by /u/TheHiyaPeople
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Reddit’s Goth Community


If there’s something I love about the scene, just as much as the music itself it’s how much darklings like to dance. Every show, club night or even just hanging out listening to music with friends and fam we can’t stop moving. I didn’t use to feel very comfortable dancing until I started joining the functions. The music just takes over my body and the feeling of sharing a foggy dance floor with a bunch of bats creepily swaying around to it like an organism. Together yet apart. Sometimes it almost feels tribal, but I live for those moments they’re so much fun dancing until morning

submitted by /u/Calaverxxx666
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Paralysed Age – Raindance

Album: Tragedia Nosferata Release date: October 31st 2006

submitted by /u/MercyReign
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Reddit’s Goth Community

what does this sub think of the darker UK Post Punk sounds?

I would first like to say that yes I do know that post brexit wave is not goth in the slightest with most bands adopting a more art rock and no wave sound and others staying well away from goth adjacent sounds. Fontaines DC dropped Skinty Fia in 2022, an album which seems to lean into dark post punk sounds and aesthetics that feel borderline gothic or at times full on gothic post punk. I've also started getting into up and coming underground acts like heartworms and nightbus. Heartworms probably could be best described as post brexit wave adjacent post punk with a gothic twist and nightbust are what would happen if the xx went gothic. What do you guys think of these bands and artists? Anything similar right now within the goth scene that you would recommend or other British bands with similar sounds you listen to?

submitted by /u/imuslesstbh
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Reddit’s Goth Community