Archive for December 29th, 2023

Goth artists for 🍉

I'm looking for goth bands and artists to support who have been vocal about the genocide(s) and advocating for a ceasefire.

submitted by /u/Ok_Application49
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Reddit’s Goth Community

making my own goth party, completely lost on what to do

hi i’m (f19) located in an area where there’s literally no goth nights/clubs/events at all and i really want to go to one. the closest one that i’ve heard about are hours away and it’s not that frequent so that’s just not an option for me. i was watching one of my favorite youtubers and she said something along the lines of “if there’s no goth nights near you, consider just making your own.” and i was like “yeah let’s do it.” i asked some of my other alternative friends (metal heads,grunge,emo,etc) if they’d be interested and they’re down too. i guess it’ll just be more of an alternative party now since everyone has their own niche. anyways enough rambling, i don’t know how to go about this. i can’t have it at my house and i’m pretty sure they can’t have it at theirs. i don’t have enough money to rent out a space and it’s too cold to have it outside at like a park or something. i’m also very shy i’ve always just kept to myself growing up although i really did want more friends, i’m nervous that people would say that they’d show up and then it’s only me and my best friend there (that’s happened to me before). the people i invited it’s like we talk every now and then but that’s really all yk ? i’m feeling quite discouraged idk what to do i’ve never done this before. i’m working on the playlist and atm it’s mostly goth songs that i like, but now i’m worried that everyone else won’t like it and then they won’t dance. i’m so confused 😭 i apologize for this being all over the place i just- yeah.

TLDR: i don’t have a place to have the party, i’m not sure if anyone would come, and i’m not sure if they’d like the music. i’m very confused and conflicted.

submitted by /u/Just_peaxchy
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Violent Vickie @ goth night in Vegas

submitted by /u/ViolentVickie
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Alien Sex Fiend Hoodie

My partner painted and sewn me this for Christmas and I just think it's really cool. Would highly suggest a listen too, they're a great band!

submitted by /u/NeonCayde
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Reddit’s Goth Community

The “Boy Harsher” argument

I find it somewhat absurd that some argue Boy Harsher isn't goth simply because it lacks a guitar element to distinguish it from synthpop or other related genres. We all acknowledge The Frozen Autumn as darkwave, even though it lacks a guitar. What's the rationale here? The Frozen Autumn often sounds more like synthpop than Boy Harsher. If our distinction of modern goth music relies on popular opinion rather than factual evidence from the history of past genres and their correlation with the goth subculture, then why engage in subjective arguments? Boy Harsher isn't completly industrial, and it doesn't sound like new wave. So why the debate?

As an audio engineer and musician, I get confused because I can discern the similarities and differences between each music creator and the inspiration they draw from others. Yet, within this subreddit, contradictory, hypocritical, and cognitively dissonant remarks are prevalent.

submitted by /u/Aggravating-Blood932
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Baby Bat here, what are good recommendations for goth albums?

I’m new to goth music and wondered if there are any albums that are a “must listen to”?

submitted by /u/TheBananaGods
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Reddit’s Goth Community