Posts Tagged ‘that’s’

I love being a goth thats doesn’t dress up

Hey, y'all who are feeling insecure about loving music and not dressing up, cheer up my friend! Most people here love you and excepts you! I LOVE the music but I don't really feel like dresses stereotypical or anything. I love this because I can wear professional business type pink colored clothes and pull out shit like "Sex and Drugs and Jesus Christ" by Christian Death. I love being able to give people a bit of surprise! Am I strange for this? I don't really care.

submitted by /u/MundaneAssistant5149
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Reddit’s Goth Community

How do I even respond to this? he’s trying to say conservatives can be Goth bc that’s what traditional means

submitted by /u/Comfortable_Click394
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Does anyone still get criticized and get called a “poser” even though you’re goth like doing everything that’s apart of the subculture etc?

I go through this sometimes. I listen to the music, participate in everything that’s with the subculture/community, etc. I usually get called a poser at school because I listen to J-goth and other random reasons. but I listen to all the goth classics. Sometimes I think these things happen more often ever since the term “tik tok goth police” became a thing. Just a random thought. What are your thoughts and comments about this? (Hopefully this entire thing I type doesn’t confuse anyone I barely post on here)

submitted by /u/444_ht1l1l
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Reddit’s Goth Community

What is the image that’s in unknown pleasures and what means?

Is look like waves but idk

submitted by /u/thechandy
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Goth music recs for someone that’s really into hardcorepunk?

I'm especially into things like powerviolence/grind/d beat, but generally anything across the extreme punk rock/hardcore/metal realm. I'm looking for goth music that's also maybe inspired or adjacent to that, or that you just think would be enjoyable for people that also enjoy that stuff. Also my friend showed me 45 Grave and I really enjoyed them.

By the way there's this band from Albany NY called Wet Specimens that fits this category, it's the only one I can think of myself lol, try them out, they're sick.

submitted by /u/sykadelic_angel
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Haven’t been able to find a Nox Novacula patch I want, so I made my own (it’s a bit scraggly but that’s alright)

submitted by /u/Dermestid-beetle
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Reddit’s Goth Community

I’m half Syrian and rarely see people like myself in the scene. anybody know of some Middle Eastern bands lol? I love she past away but that’s all I know of.

Yeah lol

submitted by /u/iluvthesmithsxo
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Reddit’s Goth Community

What’s your favorite band that’s never been mentioned on this sub before?

Mine’s November Növelet.

submitted by /u/SingingElevators
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Reddit’s Goth Community

So it’s still a WIP, but it’s wearable now at least, and that’s the important thing. Happy Fashion Friday

submitted by /u/RoseandNightshade
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Reddit’s Goth Community

The Horatii – That’s My Girl (1995)

submitted by /u/DeadDeadCool
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Reddit’s Goth Community