Posts Tagged ‘Need’

I need help finding a gothy sound/sub-genre/non-existant music

So i mainly listen to metal particularly the sludgy shit (eyehategod, dystopia, crowbar ect…) but i have recently been on a goth spiral and wanted to find music with some common ground. But i have a problem, you would think goth metal would be my answer but no. I fkn love type 0 they are my favorite band, but they are not really goth in the post punk sense and i have not found any other bands in the "goth" metal genre that are not –in my opinion– symphonic shite or type 0 rip offs. So if any one could point me in the right direction, if there is one, that would be amazing thanks. and if there is not id better get on that gap in the market.

i know this doesn't directly relate to post punk/goth music but i need more goth than goth metal sorry

also if i am completely wrong about something i am a goth foetus and am not educated so educate me 🙂

[edit] i know ton is not goth i am not looking for that

submitted by /u/dogman865
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Reddit’s Goth Community

I need Rainy day goth music

Recently getting into goth music through a suggested play list I found. A lot of it is somber dance music and I like it but I want something for a chiller mood as well. Something that makes me feel like I’m staring out the window on a rainy day. Similar to the sound of the song I linked

submitted by /u/Malikious_
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Reddit’s Goth Community

“Need help to find a song” Song found.

Hello, I once made a post where I asked for help to find a song that I heard at a goth club. The description I used for such song was that there are parts where people scream "Hey!" really loud just once. I also thought the singer was a woman, but I was wrong. I found the song luckily because I heard it again at the club and got the chance to ask the DJ. The song is "Metropolis" by Schwefel. Thanks to everyone who tried to help me. Here's a link to the song 🙂

submitted by /u/RockyIsDead
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Reddit’s Goth Community

definitely need to style my hair again

submitted by /u/DabriaNera
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Need help with recommendations for fashion, and music recommendations.

Some background:I recently got into the subculture and fell in love with the music, and I'm getting into the fashion and it's growing on me a lot recently.

I would like some ideas or recommendations in attire cause my entire wardrobe consists of dark colored sweaters, button ups, dark jeans, and a few band tees I got on discount. I'm on the smaller/shrimper side of that helps.

Also, I'm having trouble finding bands I like, and have just been listening to a few artists and playlists I have found in the wild, and from the sub. Much help would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/Asian_Bootleg
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Interested in The Goth Subculture, Need Tips

I want to understand the subculture and what it means to be goth I know I have to listen to the music but I remember seeing somewhere there's an ideology to it aswell? I also might want to try and start dressing goth not sure I know that's not needed to be goth but it's for funsies, I love the whole "alt" (in quotation marks cuz not sure if I'll get attacked for it or not) fashion from emo to punk etc I would also like music suggestions but I could also just scroll through the subreddit

submitted by /u/Astur1kye
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Reddit’s Goth Community

I need emotional support from you guys. I’m going through a rough time.

Hey, I don't know why but I felt like I should post this here. I'm trying really hard not to lose my mind. I'm planning to leave my boyfriend. I've been seeing him for almost a year and things aren't going so well. He's turned abusive. I'm stuck in a town 2 hours away from my hometown with no way to get back.

I'm disabled and can no longer drive. He's taking advantage of that. He treats me like a paycheck and meal ticket. I've broken up with him several times but he refuses to accept it. He's even said that I don't know what is best for me. He said that breaking up isn't what I really want and has said that he doesn't care what I want, I'm not allowed to leave him.

I'm depressed and I just want to go home. I have somewhere to stay in my hometown but no way to get there. I've called the domestic violence shelter here and they will not help me because I'm wanting to leave the county. I just don't know what to do anymore. I never consented to moving here. We used to come down on the weekends to visit friends. In February, he waited until we got here to tell me that we weren't going back.

He refuses to accept reality. He thinks I'm going to marry him and everything will be fine. I don't want to marry him. In fact, I just want to be single from now on. The only thing that keeps keeps me sane is dressing up and listening to Bauhaus and Peter Murphy. I also like Killing Joke, Sisters of Mercy and The Mission UK among others. I just want to talk to you, my people. I'm not asking for money, I just need support. Thank you for reading.

submitted by /u/Unusual_Focus1905
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In need of a shave, but here’s some earrings that came today

submitted by /u/RoseandNightshade
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Obviously I need a different outfit, but I tried goth makeup for the first time and I honestly love it.

submitted by /u/Mega_Charizard420
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I need the funkiest, grooviest goth rock/post punk songs you guys know of.

Title checks out. Songs like Virgin Prunes – Baby Turns Blue, This Mortal Coil – Not Me, et al. Help a dude out please.

submitted by /u/ftwfaiwevope
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